Action Level: 3/5
Refresh my memory, is this Transformers or Dragonball-Z? I mean energy flaring,
lots of screaming, dramatic punches, sheesh, all I'm waiting for now is Vegeta to show up. Still, the action is pretty
Romance Level: 1/5
Then again I came in late so I probably missed something.
Comedy Level: 2/5
That reminds me, this time around, the kids that pal around with them are two brothers
and a girl who can, according to the show "Hear the Omega Lock" whatever the heck that means.
Adult Level: 0/5
Because I haven't seen too many episodes, I have no idea.
Drama Level: 2/5
Sorely misplaced until the end.
Overall Level: 3/5
Could be good, if anyone knows what the heck the deal is with this series, please e-mail