Action Level: 5/5
Giant robots battle it out in deep space. I know I've heard that somewhere before,
I wonder where?
Romance Level: 4/5
The love triangle between Rick, Lisa, and Min-Mei was done quietly but perfectly.
They didn't focus the entire series on it or puts it in bits and pieces. All the relationships were well-played.
Comedy Level: 3/5
Min-Mei is the funniest character. Don't ask me why, I'll just go off onto another
Adult Level: 2/5
It's not as violent as you would come to expect.
Drama Level: 2/5
This is where I think they could've used some more improvement. Times where I thought
drama should've been inserted into had no drama.
Overall Level: 4/5
Like I said, get it all to get the full Robotech experience.