Ten years have passed since the events of Transformers: Armada. Earth and Cybertron had united and expanded to include
Mars and the asteroid belt. The Decepticons have been grudgingly working along side of the Autobots. But Unicron,
the ultimate evil, still exists. He sends his new minion Scorponok and his army of energon-seeking Terrorcons to gather
Energon to revive Unicron. The Autobots' problems get very complicated when Megatron is resurrected and sets out on
his own Energon hunt. With so many enemies, the Autobots will need to do anything to survive.
Review: Much darker than anything I have ever seen before. The first three or four episodes have the Autobots falling
left and right, even Hot Shot. The versions of the Autobots and Decepticons are CG instead of traditional animation.
Their new forms look cool, especially Jet-Fire, plus there are more homages to the original TF. I also like Kicker,
who's the pirmary human in the series. He doesn't just stand around and state the obvious like some other humans.
While Rad and Carlos from Armada do appear from time to time, they really take a back seat to Optimus and the Autobots.
This definitely deserves the TVY7 rating. Perhaps they should even move it up to TVPG (if the society of volvo-driving-soccer-moms
see this). One Transformer that really shined here was Demolisher. However, they don't explain how the relationship
between the Transformers and Earth began, or how Optimus Prime came back to life (going by previous experience, it has something
to do with the Matrix) or how they got their new forms. In fact, as the series goes on, there's almost no resemblance
between Energon and Armada. But despite all this, as long as they keep up their fantastic work, I don't care how they
got that way.