Action Level: 5/5
It's Dragonball, need I say more?
Romance Level: 1/5
Yamcha and Bulma don't act like boyfriend and girlfriend. The only romantic stuff
I seen was between Chiao-Tzu and his wife (and Chiao-Tzu and Tien but we'll stay away from that for now.)
Comedy Level: 3/5
Goku's comments are always good for a laugh.
Adult Level: 1/5
The General's "Kill You" is as adult as you're going to get. Yes, there is a death,
but he comes back to life so it's okay.
Drama Level: 2/5
When Upa's father falls at the hands of General Zao, Upa cries and that's pretty dramatic.
It got very dramatic towards the end.
Overall Level: 4/5
Dragonball fans definitely watch this.